Sunday, December 4, 2011

Living in the future

I've found myself living in the future a lot lately.  Some day.  It's not always a bad thing, some even call it planning, but I should be more focused on the 'now'.

I've pared down my original idea of a "10,000 hour project" to starting with a 100 hour project instead.  The goal: have fun.  To play for 100 hours and just let my imagination go.  I often have my brightest flashes of fun at lunch, I think it comes from having an audience (that never use to be the case).  This last week saw the creation of "Candy Land Zombie Apocolypse", just the idea of mixing those two makes me happy.  From there it turned into a easy swap with Adventure Time since it already has a Candy Kingdom, and they've already had two zombie apocolypse episodes.

All of this has lead to the idea of not just starting a project, but finishing one.  I'll feel more accomplished if I can point to something that's complete.

More details on this later. =)

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